Wakefield South Ward

Above – Event at the Agbrigg and Belle Vue Community Centre to launch Shabaan Saleem’s successful election campaign of 2024.

The other wards in the new constituency are Horbury and South Ossett, Ossett, Wakefield Rural, Denby Dale and Kirkburton.

Welcome to the Wakefield South Ward Branch of the Labour Party

If you want to help make Britain a fairer society, joining and participating in your local branch of the Labour Party is a great place to start.

Both existing and new members of the Party will always get a warm welcome at Branch Meetings. So do come along if you enjoy talking with other local people who share your values, learn about what’s going on in the Party, and help us in local and national election campaigns.

For many years, from 1995 to 2023, the ward was represented by Conservative and Independent councillors. However, we were delighted to reverse this situation with successive victories to elect Cllr. Katrina Law in 2023 and Cllr. Shabaan Saleem in 2024.

These were narrow victories following hard fought campaigns. In particular, Shabaan campaigned tirelessly for over 4 months to achieve a wafer thin majority of just 56 votes. We therefore need all members of the Party to actively support the Branch if we are to repeat these successes in future elections.

I do hope to see you at our monthly Branch meetings.

Cllr Olivia Rowley, Branch Chair

Branch Meetings 2024

All meetings start at 7pm in the Red Shed

Wednesday 19 June

Wednesday 17 July

August – no meeting

Wednesday 18 Sept

Wednesday 16 October

Red Shed, 18 Vicarage Street, Wakefield WF1 1QX

Cllr Katrina Law, Labour Councillor for Wakefield South

I’ve just completed my first year as a councillor, and I’m thrilled to be involved in so many issues affecting the community.

My first year as a councillor has been very busy and fulfilling. As a member of the Regeneration, Employment and Skills Committee, I’m becoming closely involved in the economic development of the area.

I’d like to echo Olivia’s words of encouragement to support the Branch and help us to elect more Labour Councillors to join me on the Council.

I’ve also been holding surgeries and taking up issues raised by constituents, and attending the regular PACT (Police and Communities Together) meetings.

Shabaan Saleem, Labour Councillor for Wakefield South

During my election campaign, I spoke to hundreds of residents on the doorstep, and, I believe, gained a sound understanding of the issues affecting the ward.

I’m very aware that many people have been struggling with the cost of living crisis, and a host of other issues from community safety to local services.

As a newly elected Councillor I’ll be doing my level best to address these issues and work to improve the quality of life and services for everybody in the ward. Please follow the Facebook link for updates on my work.